Attempt any FOUR questions. Question No. 1 is COMPULSORY. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following extracts:
(i) Does he not have the right to put down his bags? He certainly have the right. From this we conclude that he keeps on carrying the bags all the time because he likes to do so. This is a good explanation.
(ii) All this narrow minded concern with petty illusion. can't she understand that we are above all that? We must be free of the small, the pointless.
(iii) Yes, it's got the odour of death about it. It reminds me of the followers one has worn at a ball the morning after.
(iv) Don't you aspire to be an artist? Think of the miners who spend their lives crawling through darkness so that you may have light. That also, in its way. is the task of art.
(v) I can visualize my parents sitting around the fire with my sister, eating their curded cheese. They are badly off, but even their misfortunes imply a certain order. There are so many cycles. There is regularity about the disasters that befall them. They have been assured that God's eye is always on them ....
2. "The Cherry Orchard" can be read as a drama tracing the human journey from childhood fantasy to the adult consciousness of harsh reality. Elaborate.
3. Does Ibsen's play depict the failure of artistic impulse in a world dominated by socio economic concerns? How do you interpret the death of Lovcborg in "Hedda Gabble"?
4. Discuss "Waiting for Godot" as representative of 20th century issues of anxiety and despair.
5. What does Bond gain by inserting the classical tragedy of Orpheus within the tragedy of modern world in "The Sea"?
6. Is Galileo a tragic protagonist?
7. Write a critical note on the following.
(i) Socio Economic Issues in 20th Century Drama
(ii) Absurdism as a Modern Concern
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