Wednesday 27 February 2019

Optional Paper - Literature in English Around the World | M.A. English Part II (PU) | Eureka Study Aids

1. Lorca's Art of Characterization in 'The House of Bernarda Alba'
2. Female Characters in 'The House of Bernarda Alba'
3. The Most Powerful Character in 'The House of Bernarda'
4. Major Thematic Concerns in 'The House of Bernarda Alba'
5. Laughter and Tears are Two Poles of Lorca's Theatre
6. Brain Friel's Art of Characterization in 'Translations'
7. Significance of the Title of the play 'Translations'
8. The Importance of Relationship Between Manus and Yolland

9. Major Thematic Concerns in 'Translations'
10. 'Translations' As a Play About Political Power
11. Ngugi's Art of Characterization in 'The River Between"
12. Character Sketch of Waiyaki in "The River Between"
13. Major Thematic Concerns in "The River Between"
14. Symbolic Significance of "The Snake River" in "The River Between"
15. Implications of the Title of "The River Between"
16. Solzhenistsyn's Art of Characterization in "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"

17. Major Thematic Concerns in "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"
18. Implications of the Title of "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"
19. Narrative Technique and Style in "One Day in the Life of Denisovich"
20. Social Realism in "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"
21. Critical Appreciation of "The Stone Chat"
22. Critical Appreciation of "The Last Visit"
23. Critical Appreciation of "The Street of Nightingale"
24. Critical Appreciation of "A Remote Beginning"

25. Critical Appreciation of "Kite"
26. Critical Appreciation of "A Christmas Letter to My Sister"
27. Critical Appreciation of "Autumnal"
28. Critical Appreciation of "But Where is the Sky"?
29. Critical Appreciation of "Across India: February 1952"
30. Critical Appreciation of "The Mystique of Root"
31. Critical Appreciation of "A Memory of Asia"
32. Critical Appreciation of "Monsoon History"

33. Critical Appreciation of "Humble Administrators Garden"
34. Critical Appreciation of "Prologue" and "Epilogue"
35. Critical Appreciation of "A Far Cry from Africa"
36. Critical Appreciation of "An African Elegy"
37. Critical Appreciation of "Mango Seed"
38. Critical Appreciation of "Night of the Scorpion"
39. Critical Appreciation of "Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa"
40. Critical Appreciation of "The Country at My Shoulder"

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