Monday 21 September 2020

Past Paper Drama 2017 | M.A. English Part II (PU) | Eureka Study Aids

Attempt any FOUR questions including Question No. 1 which is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. 
1. Explain with reference to the context any THREE of the following. 
(i) Little peasant. It's true my father was a peasant, but here am I in my white waistcoat and brown boots, barging in like a bull in china shop. The only thing is, I am rich. 
(ii) Brack: Fortunately, the nuptial journey is at an end ...
Hedda: The journey'll be a long one ... a long one yet, I've just come to a stopping-place on the line. 
(iii) One daren't even laugh any more. 
Dreadful privation. 
Merely smile. 
(iv) Listen, where is the world's weak spot? Here. They know there's no leadership, no authority, no discipline in his town. So it's up to us. 
(v) During the last hundred years it has been as though men were expecting something. The citiex are narrow and so are men's minds. Superstition and plague. 
2. How does Chekhov bring in comedy in a tragic situation in "The Cherry Orchard"? How far does he succeed? 
3. Discuss the dramatic significance of Hedda's suicide towards the end of the play "Hedda Gabler". Is it justified? Elaborate with arguments. 
4. Does Galileo posses heroic dimensions? 
5. How far would you agree that "Waiting for Godot" highlights the concept of Kierkegaard's philosophy of existentialism? 
6. How far would you agree that the ending of the play "The Sea" is justified? 
7. Write critical note on the following topics. 
(i) Rational Theatre
(ii) Absurd Theatre

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