Thursday 24 September 2020

Past Paper Novel 2019 | M.A. English Part II (PU) | Eureka Study Aids

Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. 
1. Discuss the importance of the Congo River in this narrative. Why does Marlow travel primarily by boat and seldom on land? 
2. Marlow constantly uses vague and often redundant phrases like "unspeakable secrets" and "inconceivable mystery." Why does Marlow use vague and "inconclusive" language so frequently? 
3. How does the narrative style in To the Lighthouse strengthen and weaken human connections? 
4. What is the significance of the title A Partrait of the Artist As a Young Man? How does it relate to the growth and evolution of Stephen Dedalus? 
5. How does Okonkwo achieve greatness as defined by his culture? 
6. What is the place of women in Igbo society? 
7. Twilight in Delhi is a novel about colonial arrival in India and its consequent tensions. 

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