Sunday 27 September 2020

Past Papers Essay (2004 - 2019) | M.A. English Part II (PU) | Eureka Study Aids

1. Year 2004
Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics:
(i) "Free of every theory, accepting all of life, rejecting nothing, uniting the real and the poetic, appealing to the most various men, to a rude workman as to wit, Shakespeare's drama is great river of life and beauty".
(ii) "D --- for a life of sensation rather than of thoughts". (J.Keats)
(iii) Allegory in English Literature
(iv) Romanticism in English poetry
(v) Shakespeare's tragic vision
(vi) Novel in Victorian times
(vii) T.S. Eliot as the most dominant writer of twentieth century
(viii) Literature and society
(ix) Teaching of English literature in Pakistan

2. Year 2005
Write any essay on any ONE of the following topics:
(i) Poetry as the harmonious unison of man with nature
(ii) Shakespeare as the writer of all times
(iii) "There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we most take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures."
(iv) Milton's Grand Style
(v) Keats' famous Odes
(vi) Art for life's Sake
(vii) Satire in English Literature
(viii) Foster's A Passage to India a representative view of British thinking on India.
(ix) English as an International Language

3. Year 2006
Write an essay on ONE of the following topics:
(i) Spenser's 'Faerie Queene'
(ii) Romanticism vs Classicism
(iii) Shakespeare's major comedies
(iv) Eighteen Century Novel
(v) Major Poetry in 19th Century Novels
(vi) Tragic Vision in Hardy's Novels
(vii) Art and Morality
(viii) O'Neill's  Tragic Vision
(ix) Teaching of English in Pakistani Universities

4. Year 2007
Attempt an essay on ONE of the following: 
(i) Shakespeare's vision  as a writer of tragedies for all times
(ii) Spenser as a 'Poet's Poet'.
(iii) The Metaphysical Poetry in English Literature
(iv) 'I ma certain of nothing but of the holiness of the Heart's affections and the truth of the imagination --- what the imagination seizes as Beauty must be truth' (Keats)
(v) Art for Life's Sake
(vi) "But for poetry the idea is everything; the rest is a world of illusion, of divine illusion. Poetry attaches its emotion to the idea; the idea is the fact. That strongest part of our religion today is unconscious poetry".
(vii) New Trends in Twentieth Century
(viii) Emily Dickinson As a Love Poetess
(ix) Teaching of English Literature in Pakistani Universities 

5. Year 2008
Write an essay on ONE of the following: 
(i) Victorian Poetry
(ii) Lyricism
(iii) Humorous Writers
(iv) The Stream of Consciousness Novel
(v) Effects of French Revolution on English Romantic Poets
(vi) New England Irish Catholicism in O'Neil's Plays
(vii) Imitation
(viii) Jane Austen's Limited Range
(ix) Shakespearean Tragedy

6. Year 2009
Write an essay on ONE of the following topics: 
(i) Art and Morality
(ii) Golden Age of Satire
(iii) Victorian Poetry
(iv) Shakespeare's Vision As a Writer of Tragedies for All Times
(v) George Eliot As the First Modern Novelist
(vi) Milton's Grand Style
(vii) Criticism and Creation
(viii) Modern Drama
(ix) Imitation

7. Year 2010
Write an essay on ONE of the following topics:
(i) New England Irish Catholicism in O'Neil's Plays
(ii) Trends in 20th Century Literature
(iii) Classicism and Romanticism
(iv) Nature in 18th Century Poetry
(v) Shakespeare As an Artist
(vi) Psychological Realism in Dickens
(vii) Heroic Couplet
(viii) Criticism and Literature
(ix) Bacon As an Essyist

8. Year 2011
Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics: 
(i) Milton's Grand Style
(ii) Modern Element in Hardy
(iii) Wordsworth As a Poet of Nature
(iv) O'Neil's Tragic Vision
(v) Shakespeare's Heroines
(vi) The Stream of Consciousness
(vii) Modern Poetry
(viii) Criticism and Creation
(ix) Sonnet

9. Year 2012
Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics: 
(i) Shakespearean Tragedy
(ii) Greek Mythology
(iii) French Revolution and Romantic Poetry
(iv) Russell's 'Philosophy and Politics'
(v)  Victorian Novels
(vi) Morality Plays
(vii) English As a Medium of Instruction
(viii) Hemingway: Life and Works
(ix) Odes in Poetry

10. Year 2013
Write an essay on ONE of the following topics: 
(i) Milton's Grand Style
(ii) Bacon As an Essayist
(iii) Greek Tragedy
(iv) Metaphysical Poets
(v) English As a Foreign Language
(vi) Symbolism in Poetry
(vii) Victorian Novelists

11. Year 2014
Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics:
(i) Renaissance
(ii) Shakespearean Tragedy
(iii) Aristotle's Poetics
(iv) Milton as an Epic Poet
(v) Bertrand Russell as a Philosopher
(vi) Modern Drama
(vii) Victorian Novelists

12. Year 2015
Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics:
(i) Metaphysical Poets
(ii) Shakespeare as a Playwright
(iii) American Literature
(iv) T.S. Eliot as a Critic
(v) Gulliver's Travels as Mock Utopia
(vi) Victorian Age
(vii) Defence of Poetry

13. Year 2016
Write an Essay on any ONE of the following topics. 
1. Aristotle's Theory of Tragedy
2. Classical Poetry
3. American Literature versus English Literature
4. Modern Novelists
5. Imagery in Poetry
6. Raymon Williams' Concept of Modern Tragedy
7. Role of Literature in English Language Teaching

14. Year 2017
Write an Essay on any ONE of the following topics. 
1. Fundamentals of Criticism
2. Romantic Poets
3. Victorian Novels
4. Age of Renaissance
5. Comedy in Literature
6. Seamus Heaney: Redress of Poetry
7. Importance of English Language

15. Year 2018
Write an Essay on any ONE of the following topics. 
1. Classical Poets
2. Aristotle's Concept of Tragedy
3. Modern Novels
4. American Poets
5. Philosophy and Literature
6. Symbolism in Poetry
7. Linguistics

16. Year 2019
Write an Essay on any ONE of the following topics. 
1. Milton: An an Epic Poet
2. Poets of Nature
3. Jane Austen: As a Novelist
4. Hamartia and Catharis in Greek Tragedy
5. Bacon's Essay
6. English as an International Language
7. American Novelists

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