Tuesday 29 September 2020

Questions in Past Papers (PU) | Philip Larkin and Teg Hughes | Eureka Study Aids

A. Philip Larkin
1. What are the various themes in the poems of Philip Larkin you have read? (2004) 
2. Larkin's poetry shows a yearning for metaphysical absolutes for states of being imagined as it were beyond the reach of being. Discuss. (2005) 
3. 'There are poems of Larkin which tentatively explore the possibility of positive meaning in life. Comment. (2006) 
4. The poem 'Ambulances' is an expression of Larkin's concept of Death. Discuss. (2007)
5. Larkin's poems move from the particular to the general, from the descriptive to the contemplative. Discuss. (2008)
6. Comment on the theme of change in Larkin's poetry. (2009)
7. What does the speaker in 'Mr. Bleaney' share with the former tenant of the room? (2010) 
8. Discuss the role of doubt and contemplation in 'Mr. Bleaney' and 'Church Going'. (2011) 
9. Discuss the use of epiphany in Larkin's 'Mr. Bleaney' and 'Ambulances'. (2012) 
10. Larkin's poetry expresses discontent. Discuss with close reference to the poems you have read. (2013) 
11. Larkin's poetry is about coming to terms with loss. Comment. (2014) 
12. Comment on Larkin's tone of ironic detachment with detailed reference to at least two of his poems. (2015) 
13. Discuss the role of irony in any two poems by Larkin. (2016) 
14. Larkin's poems move from the particular to the general. What impact does this have on the reader? Answer with detailed reference to any two of his poems. (2017) 
15. How does Larkin's verse express a detached observation? (2018) 
16. In what ways are Church Going and 1914 readings of the post war England? (2019) 

B. Ted Hughes
1. Write a critical note on the use of animal imagery for symbolic purpose in the poetry of Ted Hughes. (2004) 
2. "He is famous for violence in style and subject -- matter"? Discuss in the light of Ted Hughes's poems in the syllabus? (2005) 
3. 'Ted Hughes interests in dreams and his recourse to occult symbolism are lined with the practice of many other modern poets'. Discuss. (2006) 
4. The 'Though -- Fox' has often been acknowledged as one of the most completely realized and artistically satisfying of the poems. Discuss. (2007)
5. Discuss the poet's relationship with his subject in Chaucer and Full Moon and Little Freida. (2008) 
6. The "Thought Fox" is a poem about metaphor. Discuss. (2009) 
7. 'That Morning' and 'Thought Fox' exemplify the importance of energy and single minded concentration in Hughes. Explain. (2010) 
8. Compare the power of salmon in 'That Morning' with the power of the fox in 'Though Fox'. (2011) 
9. Artist's observation is a common theme between Hughes' poems 'Chaucer' and 'Full Moon' and 'Little Frieda'. Explain. (2012) 
10. Discuss "Thought Fox" and "That Morning" as journeys to fulfillment. (2013) 
11. 'The Though Fox' is a poem about metaphor. Discuss. (2014) 
12. Discuss the relationship between 'the artist' and 'the work of art' in the poetry of Ted Hughes. (2015) 
13. How does Hughes use animals in his verse? Answer with detail textual reference. (2016) 
14. Discuss the concept of purposeful movement in the poems of Ted Hughes. (2017) 
15. Comment on animal energy and power in any two poems by Hughes. (2018) 
16. Compare and contrast the position of the speaker in Thought Fox and That Morning. (2019) 

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