Monday 28 September 2020

Questions in Past Papers (PU) | Selected Poems By John Keats | Eureka Study Aids

1. "Hyperion is a veritable gallery of studies in pain" and "what Keats achieves above all in Hyperion is the sublimation of suffering". What is you opinion? (2004) 
2. Keats's poetry puts man's mind exactly where it should be -- On a delicate balance; below which it cannot descend; beyond where it has no will to rise -- In light of this statement critically evaluate Keats's ODES. (2005) 
3. The sharp contrast between the desire for beauty and awareness of pain makes Keats' Odes dramatic. Discuss. (2006) 
4. What are some of the recurring motifs that appear throughout the six odes? (2007) 
5. Give a detailed comparison of Ode to a Nightingale and Ode to a Grecian Urn. (2008) 
6. How do the last lines of the "Ode on a Grecian Urn" form a fitting equation for the poem? (2009) 
7. Compare and contrast any two Odes of Keats' that you have read. (2010)
8. Discuss the style and structure of 'Hyperion Book I' (2011) 
9. 'Ode to Nightingale' and 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' are poems about art. Explain. (2012) 
10. How does the dramatic spirit expresses itself in the Odes by Keats? (2013) 
11. How far does the imager in the 'Ode to a Nightingale' complement its thematic concern? (2014) 
12. How far may ODE TO AUTUMN be read as recognition of harmony in the natural world? (2015) 
13. How does the structure of "Hyperion Book I" support its themes? (2016) 
14. How does the imagery in "Hyperion Book I" support its themes? (2017) 
15. Comment on the role of nature in the Odes by Keats. (2018) 
16. How does Ode to A Nightingale delineate the journey of the speaker's desire? (2019) 

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