Tuesday 6 October 2020

Questions in Past Papers (PU) | Poetics By Aristotle | Eureka Study Aids

1. Describe Aristotle's view on Ideal Tragic Hero. (2004) 
2. Critically examine Aristotle's concept of Catharsis. (2004) 
3. Critically evaluate Aristotle's concept of imitation. (2005)
4. Discuss Aristotle's concept of Ideal Tragic Hero. (2005)
5. The constituent elements of tragedy work together to define first its complication and then the denouement. Explain with reference to Aristotle's Poetics. (2006)
6. The art of tragedy aims itself at the audience. Discuss with reference to Aristotle's Poetics. (2006) 
7. "The first essential" says ARISTOTLE the life and soul, so to speak of tragedy is the plot; character comes second. How far can this statement be defended? (2007) 
8. The tragic pleasure is that of pity and fear and the poet has to produce it by a work of imitation. Discuss. (2007) 
9. Imitation is crucial to tragic pleasure. Discuss in the light of Aristotle's Poetics. (2008) 
10. Discuss Aristotle's theory of tragedy with reference to any tragedy that you have read. (2009) 
11. Aristotle's theory of tragedy is governed by a preoccupation with audience response. Discuss. (2010)
12. Aristotle's discussion on Tragedy is determined by his conception of human nature and social relations. Discuss. (2011) 
13. "Poetry is something more philosophic and of graver importance than history, since its statements are of the nature of universals". Estimate the relative importance of poetry and philosophy in the light of the above statement. (2012) 
14. Discuss Aristotle's concept of a tragic hero in the light of his book Poetics. (2013) 
15. Discuss at length the criterion for a tragic hero laid down by Aristotle in Poetics. (2014) 
16. Critically analyze Aristotle's concept of a tragic hero. (2015) 
17. What are the major features of Aristotle's concepts in "Poetics"? (2016) 
18. What are the seven characteristics Aristotle uses to define tragedy in Poetics? (2017) 
19. Aristotle redifines Poetry not as an imitation of some ideal reality, but a more creative endeavor to improve upon different forms of reality. Prove or refute the statement. (2018) 
20. According to Aristotle the tragic hero "must be an intermediate kind of a person, a man not pre-eminently just and virtuous, whose misfortune, however, is brought upon him not by voice or depravity but by some error of judgment." Elaborate. (2018) 
21. Define and discuss the characteristics of Tragedy brought about by Aristotle. (2019)

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