Sunday, 4 October 2020

Questions in Past Papers (PU) | To the Lighthouse By Virginia Woolf | Eureka Study Aids

1. Is To the Lighthouse principally James Ramsay's story? (2004) 
2. Does it seem to you a just criticism that in To the Lighthouse the usual concerns of a novel -- character and plot -- have been subordinated to symbols and ideas? (2004) 
3. Virginia Woolf wanted to capture, in words, the nature of human consciousness what it actually feels like to be alive". Discuss with reference To the Lighthouse. (2005) 
4. Explain the meanings of the trip to the Lighthouse and completion of Lily Briscoe's picture. (2005) 
5. Discuss the character of Lily Brisco as Virginia Woolf's version of art. (2006) 
6. Write critical analysis of the three parts of To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf. (2007) 
7. Virginia Woolf was attempting a new type of fiction. It was to have "no plot, no comedy, no tragedy, no love interest or catastrophe in the accepted style". Discuss To the Lighthouse. (2008) 
8. How does Virginia Woolf portray "life: in her novel "To the Lighthouse"? (2009) 
9. Write a comprehensive note on the structure of To the Lighthouse. (2009) 
10. "In TO THE LIGHTHOUSE, Virginia Woolf found a subject that enabled her to do full justice to her technique". Discuss. (2010) 
11. "To the Lighthous" is a novel that focuses on human relationships and their dynamics rather than the concept of slavery. Discuss this observation. (2011) 
12. What are the distinctive qualities of Virginia Woolf as a novelist? Do not confine your answer to "To the Lighthouse" only. (2012) 
13. Why does Virginia Woolf use stream of consciousness in this novel? How effective is it? What sort of "feel" do you get from the characters? The novelist? (2013) 
14. To the Lighthouse is one of Woolf's most successful and accessible experiments in the modernist mode, including stream-of-consciousness. Illustrate citing examples from the text of the novel. (2014) 
15. What is the nature of relationship between Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe in "To the Lighthouse"? (2015) 
16. How do men and women in the novel respond to the gender roles that they perceive or that are imposed upon them in "To the Lighthouse"? (2016) 
17. "To the Lighthouse" is a novel about passion of expressing love without taking heed of social pretension. Give examples. (2017) 
18. Compare and contrast Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay. How are they alike? How are they different? (2018) 
19. How does the narrative style in To the Lighthouse strengthen and weaken human connections? (2019) 

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