Wednesday 11 May 2016

Remark that I ....... each one his due. | Waiting for Godot By Samuel Beckett | Eureka Study Aids

Remark that I might just as well have been in his shoes and he in mine. If chance had not willed otherwise. To each one his due. 

Remark that I .......... each one his due.

(i) Drama: Waiting for Godot
(ii) Dramatist: Samuel Beckett
(i) Occurrence: Act I
(ii) Content: Two men, Vladimir and Estragon, meet near a tree. They wait there for a man named Godot. Two other men enter; Pozzo is on his way to the market to sell his slave, Lucky. He pauses for a while to converse with Vladimir and Estragon. After Pozzo and Lucky leave, a boy, a messenger form Godot, enters and tells Vladimir that Godot will not come tonight. Vladimir and Estragon decide to leave. The next night, Vladimir and Estragon again meet near the tree to wait for Godot. Lucky and Pozzo enter again, but this time Pozzo is blind and Lucky is dumb. They leave and Vladimir and Estragon continue to wait. The boy enters and once again tells Vladimir that Godot will not come. Estragon and Vladimir decide to leave.
     In these lines Pozzo wants to elaborate that chance rather than reason is the main influence on our lives. Human life is based on chance, which determines existence. Pozzo and Lucky are a perfect example of this. It is chance that has made Pozzo a master and Lucky, a servant. If chance had willed otherwise, then Pozzo would have been a servant and Lucky, his master. Thus chance could easily reverse the roles. The words "just as well" refer to the chance remarks made by the two thieves in the Bible. Out of all the evildoers, out of all the millions and millions of criminals that have been, executed in the course of history, only two had the chance of salvation. One happened to make a hostile remark; he was damned. The other happened to contradict that hostile remark; and he was saved. A different fate for the thieves proves the role of chance in our existence. In short, human life is totally based on chance, opportunity and luck; there is nothing anymore can do to insure it savior. 

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